
An undergraduate major in 政治科学 provides a foundation for careers in politics, 公共管理, 国际服务, 法律, 业务, 和新闻, as well as a foundation for graduate work and teaching in the social sciences.

An undergraduate major in 政治科学 provides a foundation for careers in politics, 公共管理, 国际服务, 法律, 业务, 和新闻, as well as a foundation for graduate work and teaching in the social sciences.

The 政治科学 major at 电子游戏软件 consists of:

  • 10门课程(30学分)
  • 2门入门课程
  • 1 course in each of the four subfields of political science: American 政治; 比较政治学; 国际政治; 和政治理论
  • 四门选修课任选一个子领域


With some exceptions as 不ed below under Qualifications, Exceptions, and Special Rules, all majors must take one of the following introductory courses: Fundamental Concepts of 政治 (POLI 1041) or How to Rule the World (POLI 1021). 选了这两门课中的一门之后, students will be able to choose from among Introduction to Modern 政治 (POLI 1042); 美国政治概论 (POLI 1061); Introduction to 国际政治 (POLI 1081); or 比较政治学概论 (POLI 1091).

NB: It is 不 essential to take Fundamental Concepts of 政治 or How to Rule the World before Introduction to Modern 政治, 美国政治概论, 比较政治学概论, or Introduction to 国际政治; nor is it essential to take either or both of the introductory courses in the freshman year. Many students do 不 begin their major until the sophomore year, and they have no difficulty finishing it on time. Students who scored a 4 or 5 on either of the AP exams in Government and 政治 (American or Comparative) may place out of the requirement f或者第二门入门课程 (but 不 the first). It will still be necessary to take 10门课程(30学分) in the major. You will need to get a form from the Office of Student Services signed by the Director of 本科 Studies in order for this waiver to be reflected on your Degree Audit.

The introductory curriculum in political science is 不 like that in other majors, such as economics or the natural sciences. Ours does 不 present a single curriculum that all students are expected to know before moving on to higher-level courses. 而, the introductory curriculum is designed to expose students to the study of politics in a variety of ways. 例如, each faculty member who teaches POLI 1041 Fundamental Concepts has his or her own particular style of doing so.

不过,双方还是有一些共同点. 1041 Fundamental Concepts and 1021 How to Rule the World, 通常在秋天上课, are devoted principally to a study of some of the classic texts in political theory. 1042现代政治概论, “美国政治概论”, 1081 Introduction to 国际政治, and 1091 比较政治学概论, 都强调哲学, 概念上的, and analytical foundations for understanding their substantive domains. Critical dialogue—in the classroom and in some cases, in discussion sections—is central to the way these introductory courses are taught.

Some introductory courses—POLI 1061 and similar courses to be offered in the future—are open to non-majors as well as majors, and satisfy the University Core Social Science requirement. The latter is also true of POLI 1041 and POLI 1042.

To summarize: Students will be required to take two introductory courses: Fundamental Concepts or How to Rule the World; and one additional course from the introductory list: Introduction to Modern 政治 (POLI 1042); Introduction to American Government (POLI 1061); Introduction to 国际政治 (POLI 1081); and (POLI 1091) 比较政治学概论.


Students go directly from introductory courses into upper-level electives. These electives do 不 have to be taken in any particular order, and the course numbers do 不 indicate a preferred sequence or level of difficulty. The second number indicates the category in which the courses fall: courses with a “3” in the second digit are in American 政治; courses with “4” in the second digit are in 比较政治学; courses with “5” in the second digit are in 国际政治; and courses with “6” in the second digit are in Political Theory. 学生必须修八门课程 (24学分) beyond the introductory courses, and at least one course (3 credits) must be taken in each of the four subfields: American 政治, 比较政治学, 国际政治, 和政治理论. 所有的课程 (学分) that do 不 fulfill the subfield or introductory requirements will be counted as electives in the major. The subfield requirements must be satisfied by courses taken (学分) 在部门里; courses taken (学分) abroad or transferred from other institutions may be used to fulfill elective requirements, 或者第二门入门课程. 为了完成专业, at least six courses (18 credits) of the ten courses (30 credits) required must be taken at 电子游戏软件.

There is a considerable variety in these elective offerings, because each faculty member has a rotating set of courses and usually teaches four of these each year. There are approximately 100 courses open to undergraduates over a four-year period. 其中一些课程是研讨会, 哪一个星期开一次会, and are usually limited to 19 members so that there is much more opportunity for sustained and intense analysis of texts and problems than there is in a conventional lecture/discussion format. With the exception of the special Sophomore Seminars, seminars are open only to juniors and seniors.

The amount of work required in all of our courses is generally high. Clarity of thought and writing are two sides of the same skill, 出于这个原因, our courses place special emphasis on writing skills. 除了, most courses encourage classroom discussion on a regular basis, so that students may be graded on their participation in class as well as on their writing and exams.



Two introductory courses (six introductory credits) including, Fundamental Concepts of 政治 (POLI 1041) or How to Rule the World (POLI 1021) and one course 3 credits from the list of other introductory offerings: Introduction to Modern 政治 (POLI 1042); 美国政治概论 (POLI 1061); Introduction to 国际政治 (POLI 1081), or 比较政治学概论 (POLI 1091).

至少一门课程(3学分) in each of the four subfields of 政治科学: American 政治 (POLI X3XX), 比较政治学(POLI X4XX), 国际政治(POLI X5XX), 和政治理论(POLI X6XX), 总共四个子领域的课程 (12分学分).

四个选修课 (12学分) from among any courses offered by the department that are 不 introductory courses.

NB: POLI 1021 (How to Rule the World) may also satisfy the subfield requirement in Political Theory. 它可能 , 然而, satisfy the Introductory requirement and the Political Theory subfield requirement at the same time.

Note: Courses designated as POLI X200-X299 count as electives toward the major but do 不 fulfill any of the four subfield distributional requirements. Courses numbered POLI 7700 and above are graduate courses.

Qualifications, Exceptions, and Special Rules

Introductory courses do 不 have to be taken in any particular sequence, and students entering the major late may have to take one of the “second” Introductory courses before Fundamental Concepts or How to Rule the World.

加入本专业的学生 在他们大二之后 are 不 required to take Fundamental Concepts or other Introductory courses. With department permission, they may substitute other courses (学分) for the standard introductory courses (学分) (POLI 1021, 1041, 1042, 1061, 1081, 1091). Students who have scored at least a 4 on the American Government or Comparative Government AP exams may place out of the second introductory course (1042, 1061, 1081, 1091). In either of these cases, students will still need to take ten courses (30 credits) and will need to see the director of undergraduate studies in order to get this waiver recorded on their degree audits.

There are courses in 政治科学 offered in the Woods College of Advancing Studies (WCAS). These courses may only be used to fulfill elective requirement in the major, and only with the prior approval of the Department’s Director of 本科 Studies. 一般来说, the Department will only approve for major credit WCAS courses taught by regular faculty or teaching fellows in the 政治科学 department.

Students may transfer up to four courses (12学分) from other institutions, 包括国外学习项目. But in no case may a student earn a degree in 政治科学 without taking at least six courses (24学分) 在部门里. Transfer credits and foreign-study credits may 不 be used to satisfy the four subfield distributional requirements.

Note: Even after the University has accepted a transfer or a foreign study course (学分) 你的MCA&年代的需求, you will still need to see the Director of 本科 Studies or one of the Foreign Study Advisors for special forms to move those classes (学分) into the appropriate categories on your Degree Audit.


Student Services course information and schedule is limited to members of the BC community, so you must authenticate by logging on to 集市门户 (门户.akazo.net). Select EagleApps Course Information and Schedule 浏览课程.


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